The Creators Connect Podcast
The Creators Connect Podcast
Zie (Digital Creator) Talks: Time Management, Marriage, Constant Growth & Gear Matters
In the 55th episode of The Creators Connect Podcast, we are joined by digital content creator @ziekhozazw
@ziekhozazw is a multifaceted creative who has his toes dipped in photography, videography and music on the low. During the week he is committed to full time job which he thoroughly enjoys just as much as he enjoys pursuing his personal creative endeavours that have seen him provide video and photo services to an array of clients in Namibia. @ziekhozazw is an amazing educator too he has a very well put together YouTube channel that has very easy to follow tutorial and educational videos around video, photo and the business of being a creative. In the episode @ziekhozazw tells us how important it is to master your gear and the importance of good gear in general. He also shares his opinions on being self taught versus going to through a formal education process to enhance ones creative prowess.
We are going to be posting a lot more Episodes in this Creators Connect Podcast series so make sure you are subscribed and enable the bell notification to know when a new episode goes live.